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Headshot of Shandalla Rumack, Health and Wellness Coach


Meet Shandalla

After experiencing the power of natural medicine during her own quest for pain management, the healer in Shandalla was awakened. She now utilizes everything she has learned in the last 20 years to help her patients achieve a better quality of life.

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Health and Wellness Coaching

A Health & Wellness Coach functions as a mentor and companion on your journey, empowering you with continuous support and direction as you establish objectives and enact lasting changes that enhance both your well-being and contentment. 

I embrace a holistic approach to health and well-being, which involves examining the interconnections among various facets of your life, including work, relationships, exercise, eating habits, sleep, and more.  By exploring how your life contributes to your overall health, I can make comprehensive recommendations that help you tune in to your body's requirements in a way that feels organic and aligned.

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Recent Articles

I'm passionate about sharing tips and recipes to promote healthy living and a general sense of happiness and well-being.  Click below to peek at some of my most recent articles, or view all to search the archives!

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